
Friday, September 5, 2014

Blog Hop on Blog Writing

That lack luster title really pulled you in didn't it!? Yeah no...I know. But it just goes to show you that I need help in this area and knew this  blog hop was one I needed to hop on to. Okay okay...I'll stop with my lameness and get on with the post....

My fellow Canadian sewing blogger Gillian from Crafting a Rainbow has nominated me for the most recent Blog Hop making it's way around the webs!  Let me tell you...this lady is talented! I so often wish that I could be her neighbor and invite her over for coffee to pick her brain on sewing knit dresses. (Or maybe just bribe her to make me'm not above doing such things..) She can whip those knit dresses out like nobody's business! 
Gillian is also a teacher (bless her!) and I'm sure her pupils benefit just as much as her readers do from her gift to write thought provoking posts and posing great questions to get us all thinking and involved in conversation. To go along with her many talents, she is also soooo nice! Point in case...she asked me if I would mind being nominated for the Blog Hop before posting it. How nice and Canadian is that? Thank you Gillian for the nom, how could I say no?

Why do I write?

Umm...because pictures just aren't going to cut it! Ughhh!! Whyyyyy noooot???!! Seriously though... I feel that my writing is only so so and that's okay. I personally love a great picture and when I open a post that has a really long written portion....well it better be funny or informative because my meager attention span and I may not make it through. Fortunately, many of you are VERY  funny and VERY informative so I end up spending way too much time online reading your great stuff! 
 My posts are usually composed of lots of pictures and a little explanatory writing in between I primarily use this blog to document my makes and connect with the sewing community. When I started this blog I didn't realize the wonderful impact that the sewing community would have on guys are rocking my world!

What am I working on now?

Besides a half consumed bottle of Perrier and a cup of cold coffee... on my sewing table I have a couple of projects...a knit dress that is driving me nuts and a black dress. The knit dress is not really as bad as my fear of it is. The black dress kinda came out of the blue for me. I don't usually like to sew staples but I wanted a dress to wear with a cool hat I have. Cool hat needs a cool dress...right?

Picture of pretty thread to give my brain a rest...hehe.

How does my blog differ from other sewing blogs?

I use a lot of dot dot dots..... hehe. That's how my brain works people.... I don't know if it is waiting for applause or laughter or it's just being slow but that's how my thoughts transfer to paper in my writing style. Commas have rules...that I don't know. Dots don't have rules...
That being said....
I love to sew. There's no doubt about that fact. I am a very visual person....I like to look at pretty and beautiful things. I like fashion and sewing allows me to play fashion designer by giving me the freedom to pair fabric with design. I try to create garments that are stylish and wearable but also have my own aesthetic. I also like to thrift and have fun showcasing some of those items here from time to time. I do share with readers the basic details of a make but you won't usually find many tutorials here. My hope is that my readers find lots of inspiration for wearable classic garments.

How does my writing process work?

I had never really thought about my writing process before so when I began writing this post,  I tried to take note while in the midst of it. I realized though that this isn't a typical post for me so I couldn't base my answer on this one. This post has waaay more words than my usual posts do. Waaaaay more!
My typical post begins with pictures of course. I coerce, bribe or beg someone to take about twenty five pictures for me and then I chose the best four or five for the post. I brighten them up, saturate the color on them to make them more true to life and crop a couple for detail shots, then I start to write. (You can read more about my tips for blog photography here.) While making a garment, I try to think about writing the blog post and title, I know even before I start writing that the writing will be more difficult for me than the sewing. 
As I mentioned before, I don't like to be too wordy so I stick to the basics about the project. I lightly review the pattern and share any changes that I made to it.
I shake and fidget a bit, take a deep breath, run to the washroom, pace about, read and reread the post and then quickly hit publish before I change my mind. Why is it always so hard to hit that publish button?
(Note the absence of dots in the above paragraph. High fiving myself as. soon. as. I. finish. typing. this. sentence...there.) (Dang. I almost did it.)

My nominations..

Marrie of Purls and Pleats has a classic feminine style that I just love! I would wear every one of the dresses she makes. Then just when you think you have her styled nailed down, she throws these awesome Thai Fisherman trousers into the mix! Yes..I want those fierce trousers in my closet now!  If all that wasn't enough...the inside shots of her garments reveal that she has impeccable workmanship as well.
This lady has it all going on!

Here we have Lizzy of Sew Busy Lizzy and no... she is not on a holiday in this picture! This is basically her backyard! I love Lizzy's cool style and admire the range she has within it. Her makes include feminine dresses, skirts, knit tops, trousers, jackets and even jeans! I admire Lizzy's writing style and the honest place from which she writes about sewing and life in general.

I had a hard time choosing my nominations and also wanted to showcase Sue from A Colorful Canvas! Sue is fearless when is comes to color and her beautiful cheery self made wardrobe is only outdone by her beautiful smile and attitude! Love this Canadian lady! When I contacted her about a nomination, she had been nominated by Heather already! Great minds Heather...great minds!!

So there you have it! Whew that was a lot of writing for me....

Oh and I just remembered Gillian's Two Truths and a Lie blog hop!! Ok.. here goes...

Can you spot the lie?

                                          1. I can drive a vehicle towing a trailer...even in reverse. 
                                          2.  I was home schooled through elementary school.
                                          3.  I played Rugby in high school.


  1. clapping madly for you Margo! Thanks so much for the's a thrill to share it with you and Heather. And I do that dot dot dot thing too! Your post today is great! It's always fun getting to know you better, and let's be honest, the written word is so very helpful! I love your style, and now that we know how well you write, you'll be hammering on those computer keys with nary a thought of running off to the washroom!

    Hmmmm...those three things have me puzzled. I'm going with #3 as being the lie. My boss played rugby and it's a tough gig...which I'm sure you're up to....but...

  2. So lovely to read about how you gp about your written words.

    Funnily I can see you doing all three, playing ruby seems the likely one but I wouldn't put it past you, how about home schooling?

  3. Great minds do think alike! I had a really hard time choosing who to nominate too - there are so many great blogs out there! Thanks for sharing, it's great to hear about your process.
    I'm gonna go with number 3 being a lie, but you seem like I seriously talented lady, so I really have no idea!
