
Monday, May 26, 2014

Me Made May Update

Wow! Me Made May is so close to the end!   

Day 19 I wore my Fall Fatigue jacket. This had become a staple piece in my wardrobe.

While out with husband on Day 20 I wore my Fall Floral blouse. I took that chevron fabric for "a walk" around the store and then put it back....I'm not missing it. The sign of a good decision.

Ahhh....Day 21 and the beautiful weather we had that day! I wore a not yet blogged Newlook 6122 maxi dress that I made for our trip south in March. I promise to post about it soon!

I couldn't believe that we caught the sunshine for these pictures! It had been a downpour just moments before and after. Day 22 I wore an old friend...Simplicity 2444.

Day picture that day. I wore these shorts that I think will given away. They have some serious wedgieness business going on!  

Photo bombed by kitty! I'm a dog person but I think this cat knows that and always comes to me...
he lives up to his name...Rascal.
Since I missed Fridays polka dot theme, I thought I would double up on them in my Polka Dot Peplum and a RTW cardigan on Day 24.

Day 25....brrrrr. I brought out my Burda Style 7447 pants. Why don't I wear these? I need to make more of these and maybe in shorts length. Of course I also wore my Spring Fever Moto jacket. I can't stop wearing this one.

May is going by quickly and I am learning that I really do like my self made garments but I also have some areas that are lacking...tops and pants. If only I can remember this when planning a project or when I am at the fabric store being sucked in by gorgeous dress worthy prints!

When at the fabric store, what fabrics do you immediately gravitate to?


  1. Sadly, for my budget, I gravitate toward the special fabric, even though I don't have events to wear them. I just love the texture and the pretty. lol

    1. Me too! The pretty fabrics are just so alluring! I sew as a hobby so I don't fret about it too much...takes the joy and creativity out of it for me if I do. But, I also wear them... a pretty skirt to go for groceries....why not?

  2. Looking at your pictures I'm guessing your week was pretty mixed, weather wise! We have had all weathers, ranging from some massive hail storms to hot sun this May. Quite a challenge for dressing. Can you believe there are NO fabric stores near me? I have to internet shop which I don't really like as unless I am disciplined and patient and order a sample, I sometimes get a nasty surprise when the fabric is a different colour or weight to what I am expecting. I only get to go to a real fabric store if I see one on holiday, which is pretty rare.

    1. Wow, Philiippa, no fabrics stores nearby would be a challenge! Now I know where your creative refashions come from!! I guess that when other bloggers share their fabric sources and choices, you are really paying attention. I'll be hoping one opens one near you!!

  3. So many beautiful clothes! I LOVE the fabric of your Burda pants, and I might just have to make that maxi dress for myself one day... I love your style!

    1. Thanks Nilla! The pant fabric is actually a woven cotton. It's different but I really love how breathable and soft it is.

  4. Love your style! When in the fabric store I gravitate toward the clearance lol

    1. Yeah yeah! I hear ya! The clearance is always a draw. You just never know what treasure you'll find in there.

  5. Beautiful outfits and photos! Can't believe the changeable weather you're having there! At least you have handmade items for every occasion to get you through!

    1. The weather has been very inconsistent! I have lived here all my life, you would think I would be used to it by now.

  6. Everything I like in the fabric store says "Dry Clean Only" on it; a definite no-no since I work in a dirty environment (receptionist at a construction lab). I find I also tend to end up with many similar pieces and always gravitate toward the same colors. I, too, LOVE your style, and wish I had your figure and lovely looks! Your clothes are so classic, yet so fashionable, too!

    1. Thanks!! This is probably a no-no... but I sometimes I come home with "dry clean only" fabric and then throw it in the wash and dryer before sewing with it!! Shocking I know! But if I get something cheap...I give it a go! Most times it works out for me. That's what I did with the fabric for my white moto jacket. I knew that I would need to put that white jacket in the wash many times. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. That chevron just isn't you, its not quite pretty enough or happy enough.
    If you don't like dry-clean only, you should try a product called Dry-ell. Its a dry-clean substitute that you use at home in the dryer instead of washing with water. I love it and use it all the time.

    I love your outfits. You look so cold in some of them, it it still chilly up there? You layer very well, kudos. Thats a skill that stylish ladies everywhere must have, and you have nailed it with those cute jackets.
    Love kitty, I knew you had a dog but I don't see the cat often.

    1. Thanks Becki! I`ll keep that in mind. Yes our weather has been teasing us terribly.When summer arrives...eventually.. you will not hear me complain about the heat!

  8. What a great showcase of handmades! I am loving that army green cargo style jacket!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! It has been worn so much lately.

  9. I just discovered your blog and I am soooo impressed. I love your style. I think it is similar to mine, casual chic with timeless pieces. You make beautiful garments!
