
Friday, April 26, 2013

Boot Cut Gets The Boot

I have been on the hunt for a pair of black skinny jeans. They have eluded me because I couldn't find the right fit. Being a runner, I have some decent sized thighs and when I try skinny jeans on they are way too tight in the legs and yet too big in my hips and waist. I have taken jeans in for other people but haven't done it for myself, until now.

 I found these jeans at my favorite thrift store and because they fit so well in the waist and seat, I thought that they just might work for a refashion into skinnies.

 I used another pair of jeans as a template for the new ones. When I am asked to do this alteration for anyone else, I always ask them to bring a pair of jeans that they really like. It makes it so much easier for me. 

I'm sewing a new seam on the outside of these jeans because the existing outside seam is not topstitched, making it a more simple task. First, I carefully line up the two pairs, matching the crotch seam. 
Then, using my chalk, I trace a new seam line and carefully duplicate the same line on the other leg. I sew this new seam, then trim and serge the seam allowance. I also hemmed them to an ankle length.

I realize that my hems don't look the same length but they are,
I just have one foot lifted...trying to be all model like. HA!

  I know that some people hate hemming jeans because sewing over the bulky seams is difficult but I don't. I have a little trick that I will share in another post.

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