
Monday, March 25, 2013


I have a huge basket of items in need of a little mending or altering that I never seem to get around to doing until the last minute before I decide that I want to wear it. Can we all say PROCRASTINATION? I thrift a dress or skirt that doesn't quite fit, is too long or needs attention of some sort with the intention to fix it immediately but then it finds its way into my "Project Basket". That basket should be renamed "The Procrastination Basket". This dress was buried in that basket and I found it just as I was packing for vacation and decided that I had to give it a last minute alteration. 

This White House Black Market dress was a couple sizes too big and just needed to be taken in on each side. Easy really, I just had to make sure that the waistband seams matched up. To do this, I have a new trick... match up the seams carefully then stitch one inch before and after the seam first before sewing the entire side seam. Then I check to make sure that the waistband seams match and if they don't, I only have a couple of inches to remove and not the entire side seam of the dress. When the waistband seams match perfectly, they are already basted together and won't shift when the entire side seam is sewn. Voila!

I wore this dress twice on our vacation, it had just the right amount of dressiness, that made me feel so ladylike in it. I think that it will be worn repeatedly this coming summer...hopefully we will have some tropical weather to go with it!

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