
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spring Twenty Thirteen

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love a good fabric store. My little ol' heart just gets all fluttery as I step through those doors into a world of pretty prints and textures that have endless creative possibilities. Lately I haven't been getting that feeling at all, the fabric stores in my city are few and far between and the selection isn't what I would like to see. The quality I am looking for is not always there and even if it is, I may not particularly like the color/print OR I'm not willing to pay the price for it.

So lately I have been scouring my favorite thrift shop for fabrics. I search the bins for pretty silks, stretch cottons and larger garments that will give me enough fabric to make something new. I'm not sure if these projects should be called refashioned or recycled...I'm leaning toward recycled on this one because I completely dismantled this original garment to use the pretty print to make my very first draped skirt.
No Pattern!! (Look Mom no hands!)

This is a beautiful stretch cotton fabric in a navy blue and cream print. I fell in love with the fabric but as you can see the skirt did not fit at all and I wasn't a fan of the super wide waistband that I think was supposed the be slung low on the hips. So I pulled out my seam ripper and took it completely apart. I even salvaged the zipper and reused it! What can I say? It was the perfect color and was still good. I'm not cheap ...I'm smart...right Dad?

So began the draping. I'm sorry that I didn't take pictures along the way, when I start working on something I forget everything else. It was fun to drape right on my dress form. Here is the finished product..

This skirt is a new favorite for me and I am thrilled that I draped it myself. I think it will be particularly nice to wear to church in the spring. Hey! This might be my one and only piece from my Spring 2013 collection! Ha! (Think I found my post title)

shirt and shoes-Joe Fresh  necklace-a mystery

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