
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Pink Plaid

With all the snow that has been dumped on us and the promise of more to come, I have been really missing the breezy dresses of summer! So much so...I have been sewing up a few. When that warm weather hits...I plan to be ready!!

In the meantime and in between sewing up summer dresses, I made a muslin of Burda 6849. I have been drooling over Heather's Archers (that lady is a machine with the number of Archers and Lindens she has made!) so I thought it was time that I made a button up for myself. 

While I think the Archer is great... I thought that I may want something a bit more fitted for myself. I have a few pieces of awesome plaid in my stash and I choose the one I liked the least to test out this pattern. I don't really like to make muslins and just kept my fingers crossed that it would turn out to be something wearable and YAY! it did!

 My Review: 

Pattern: Burda 6849

Fabric used: Hmm..good question. I'm not really sure but it is a nice quality woven plaid shirting that doesn't appear to have a right or wrong side and wears like a dream. No wrinkling at all either!

Instructions: is a Burda pattern so instructions were so so. I would have liked more direction on topstitching and have since looked into it for the next shirt. I didn't use the patterns process on the collar and stand. I used Andrea's of  Four Square Walls method instead. I find hers much easier to do. 

Changes I made: Being that this was a muslin, I didn't change anything. 
Here is a list of a few things I will consider when I make it (or another button up pattern) next time.
1. I will cut out the back yoke an button stands on the bias. I really like how that looks.
2. I will trim the seam allowances on the collar stand much closer next time! The snaps were a little tricky to install with all that bulk.
3. I think I will add the pocket flaps next time.
4. My topstitching needs some improvement...
5. I would probably give it about one inch more ease through the hips. 

Repeat worthy? It is repeat worthy but I just bought the Sewaholic Granville to make next and compare the two. But for the record and so I don't is what I really like about this pattern:
1. I like the length...nice and long for my torso.
2. The sleeves are slim..not too bulky.
3. Sleeves are also a perfect length.
4. I like that the front and back pieces are only darted, no plaid matching on princess seams! 
5. I love using snaps!! Change your sewing life kinda stuff those things are! A few good therapeutic whacks with the hammer and presto you have closures for your shirt and no button holes the mess with! 

It appears that the pros and cons for this pattern are even! The changes that I would make are not even that note worthy so I call this muslin, a wearable win!

Meet the newest member of the family...Skipper.