
Sunday, June 16, 2013

While I Dig Through My Mountainous Stash..I Give You This

This skirt was made last summer and I hadn't gotten around to posting it...I wonder why that happens?? For a while last year I was in love with the skirts and dresses that I had seen at Anthropologie. You know..the ones with the scenic prints on them. Serious love. So when I found this fabric, I snapped it up because I also love anything nautical, although this may be a bit too literal, I love it just the same.

 I made this skirt in the same fashion that I made this red skirt.. I really should write a post on the process. It is like a drindl skirt except that I pleat it on my dress form instead of gathering it. Very easy and can be done with just a meter of fabric!
I know that this skirt is not for everyone but it is most definitely me. Do you have me mades that you just adore despite what others may think?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Stash Busting

Say that title three times fast. Dare ya. My stash busting. Mu stash busting. Mustache busting. Welcome to the inner workings of my brain. You're welcome. Anywaaaaysss...

All over the  blogosphere, I see the sewing community participating in Stash Busting challenges. Committing to bust into their fabric stashes in lieu of purchasing new. Woot woot! I've got my thumb out to hitch a ride on that wagon! I'm all for that. Heaven knows, I need to use what I have stored away in bins just cluttering up my house and using up precious storage space... securing a spot for myself on the next episode of Hoarders...

My problem is the commitment part of the stash busting. On countless blogs, I've seen  many pictures of neatly folded fabric with a pattern laying on top of it, each vignette holding with it a promise of a beautifully modelled garment post to come! That's the commitment I lack, "THIS  fabric..with THIS pattern..."  I'm my everyday life I am as loyal as an old dog...except when it comes to creating. My brain is all over the place!! 

So while I can't yet commit to particular projects..per se. I have been "working" on the planning part of my sewing. On a recent fabric spree, I did attempt to give every selection I made, thought and purpose, so as to not grow my stash unnecessarily or waste money. A very good start but I must now commit to follow through on said plans. Which requires me to BUST MY STASH.

My rules:
1. No new fabric purchases until I use seven six pieces from my stash
2. Finish two unfinished projects
3. Complete two refashions
4. No time limit...just the promise of fabric the sooner I complete this...

Whew! Glad that's over with!  I'm pooped. You won't see any of those promising pictures like on other blogs, that would just be too much for me! So here is a cute baby pic for you! Again, you're welcome, I mean, I'm sorry. NO! dang it, you're welcome, that's one cuuute baby!

Ready, set, sew!

PS If anyone knows the original stash busting challenge creator, please let me know. I'd gladly add that badge to my sidebar and wear it with pride! 

Monday, June 10, 2013

I Heart Pretty Dresses

It's no secret that I love dresses. What could be easier than pulling on a dress? One garment to pull on and BAM! you're done. Plus, I'm a girl...I get to wear dresses. I have one life, I'm wearing pretty dresses whenever I can. 

For this dress I used Simplicity 2724. This pattern has many options I would like to try and I love a pattern that allows me to play "fashion plate". Different options for bodices, sleeves and skirts and they all fit together.  Here's my review.

My Review: 

Pattern: Simplicity 2724

Fabric used: Linen. The floral pattern makes the fabric more "friendly" because it masks the wrinkles.

Instructions: I didn't have any trouble with the instructions.

If I could change anything: I would only add pockets. This dress has a side zipper but I could at least put one pocket in on the other side.

Repeat worthy? For certain!! This pattern has many options that I would love to try... more projects for my ever growing list.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Discovery

When I started making this dress, I made a new discovery. Simplicity Amazing Fit patterns. I have had this pattern in my collection for quite some time now, probably acquiring it during a good sale. I often buy a few patterns at once during a sale to use later.

The amazing thing about these patterns is that they are sized for different cup sizes! They also have slim, average and curvy options too. Who knew these patterns existed? For me this hasn't been a fit issue and I generally don't  have to make many adjustments to standard pattern sizing. I know...I'm lucky.  BUT I do know there are many who would benefit from a pattern like this.

For my dress, I made Simplicity 1652 in a lovely cotton that has just a bit of stretch in a pretty red and white floral. This floral has bit of a Hawaiian feel to it, don't you think? I love the open back of this dress and I don't have to wear special underwear with it, bonus!

My Review: 

Pattern: Simplicity 1652 Amazing Fit

Fabric used: Stretch cotton, that I remembered to launder first!

Instructions: Pretty basic. I liked the fit options it had. I also love when a dress is put together leaving the side seams till the end, making alterations easier. It also had 1inch seam allowances on the side seam for that same reason, again I love that.

If I could change anything: Ummm... not much. I'm a big fan of pockets but these ones are not the best. I realize that the pockets were not put in the side seams for easier fit alterations, but where they are doesn't leave much room for them. I find them somewhat shallow...I like to actually put things, like my phone, in my pocket..

Repeat worthy? Yes, I would. I like the fit and really love the back of this dress. I will also be trying out some of the other patterns in the Amazing Fit collection. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

The End...of May

Me Made May 2013 has come to an end. I'm not sure how to get dressed anymore. I'm still reaching for my me mades, forgetting that I can wear my RTW clothes now. Strange as it was to start the month wearing self made clothes the opposite holds true. Not wearing them now feels strange. 

My experience this month was rewarding, fun, inspiring, challenging and uplifting. I met so many other fabulous women who share my same passion for sewing. In my daily life, I don't think I know anyone who sews much at all, let alone their own clothing, making this challenge so meaningful to me. It was heartwarming to witness and be part and party to women of all ages encouraging each other!

I woke up everyday thinking about these lovely ladies, looking forward to seeing what they had made and would be wearing that day. I would steal time here and there during my day to log on to the Flickr group to swoon over all the lovely creations, leaving comments and then logging off wishing I had more time view everyone's photo. There was never enough time.

I succeeded in my personal challenge with only a couple of repeats and still have self made garments that didn't get worn...Another part of the challenge for myself personally was to blog EVERY DAY for the month as well. Yikes!! I'm pleased to say, I did it! The blog may have been a bit overwhelmed by the challenge content but for me personally it was a good way to establish some more consistency in blogging and gain some much needed confidence as well. 

I am so grateful for the experience, to Zoe, the mastermind behind the challenge and to the women who encouraged me and inspired me everyday! You ladies are the best!

The following outfits are my favorites of the month:

Day 22

Day 25

Day 16
Day 8
Day 5
Day 31

       It's not hard to tell that I love color!